Teenager topples ex-world chess champ

Teenager topples ex-world chess champ

Magnus Carlsen of Norway continues to make headlines on the international
chess circuit. The 13-year-old boy from Baerum defeated one of the game’s most
successful players ever, former world champion Anatoly Karpov, in a blitz
tournament in Reykjavik, Iceland on Wednesday night.

Carlsen’s victory over Russian Karpov came in a lightning game where both
players had roughly five minutes each for the entire game. Conventional
tournament games allow much more time for thinking and lower margins of error, but the
result is still sensational.
Carlsen has made headlines in recent months after achieving two successive
results towards the international grandmaster (GM) title, the game’s highest
The Baerum youngster won a grandmaster tournament in Holland in January and
then placed highly in an open event in Moscow, one of the year’s top
One more such result will give Carlsen the GM title, and make him the
youngest titleholder in the world.
The Reykjavik blitz event was a preliminary for a knock-out tournament which
was to continue on Thursday. The star line-up features a total of 16 players
and includes the world’s top-rated player, Garry Kasparov, who will meet
Carlsen in the first round.
The knock-out event will be a ‘rapid’ chess event, with each player having
roughly half an hour each for the entire game.
Carlsen is trained by Norway’s Simen Agdestein, a national celebrity who was
both a young chess grandmaster and a member of Norway’s international soccer
Aftenposten English Web Desk
Jonathan Tisdall

Turner Adds Three to Raiders’ Staff

Turner Adds Three to Raiders’ Staff

.c The Associated Press

ALAMEDA, Calif. (AP) – The Oakland Raiders added three assistant
coaches to complete Norv Turner’s staff on Saturday, including USC
quarterbacks coach Steve Sarkisian.

Sarkisian, a 29-year-old former BYU quarterback, will coach Oakland’s
quarterbacks in his first NFL job. Martin Bayless was hired as a
special teams assistant and Jeff Fish was named the Raiders’ strength
and conditioning coach.

Bayless was a defensive assistant for the Carolina Panthers last
season. Fish was a strength and conditioning coach at Missouri.

Turner also said John Morton, the Raiders’ senior offensive assistant,
will coach the tight ends next season.

02/28/04 15:22 EST

Elsa Schiaparelli inventa la couture spectacle

Le Figaro, France
19 Mars 2004

Au Musée des arts de la mode et du textile à Paris, 173 robes mettent
en scène la plus célèbre couturière des années 30

Elsa Schiaparelli inventa la couture spectacle

En accueillant Elsa Schiaparelli, le Musée de la mode et du textile
ne lui a pas offert un de ces catafalques devant lesquels on
s’incline en parlant bas. L’exposition est une course aux trésors à
travers 250 vêtements, accessoires, dessins, photos dont 173 robes
créées de 1927 à 1954 qui témoignent, dans une mise en scène de
Jacques Grange, d’une créativité aussi fastueuse qu’insolente.
Janie Samet
[18 mars 2004]

Elsa Schiaparelli. Un nom qui, dans les années 30, retentira comme un
coup de cymbales à vous réveiller la mode. Amortie par Poiret,
assagie par Chanel, vouée au beige et noir avant qu’elle, l’Italienne
tumultueuse, ne débarque à Paris avec son rose shocking et ses
mariages d’orange et jaune. Schiaparelli. Un nom trop long dont elle
fera son prénom en l’abrégeant de moitié pour qu’il claque comme un
coup de fouet. «Appelez-moi Schiap», disait-elle. A ses amis –
Cocteau, Bérard, Dali, Dufy, Leonor Fini -, qui trouvèrent normal de
faire de leur art sa valeur ajoutée aux robes. Aux artisans, dont
elle pliera la créativité à la sienne : le brodeur Lesage, le bottier
Perugia, le joaillier Jean Schlumberger, qui oubliait les diamants
pour lui ciseler des bijoux de pacotille et des boutons pour rire, le
parurier Jean Clément, qui, en 1936, mettra au point avec elle son
fameux rose shocking, le soyeux Paul Colcombet avec qui elle
inventera l’imprimé «coupures de presse». A ses clientes aussi, et
quelles clientes ! Wallis Simpson, Helena Rubinstein, Joan Crawford,
Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich, Arletty, qui eussent été mortifiées à
l’idée de rater leur entrée dans un salon en n’aimantant pas tous les
regards sur leurs robes.

La femme Schiap ? Insolente, tape-à-l’oeil, libérée, dont la
personnalité est assez forte pour s’autoriser toutes les
extravagances. Comme la duchesse de Windsor, qui commandera pour son
trousseau de mariage dix-sept modèles, dont une robe au homard géant
dessiné par Salvador Dali. «Terriblement errro tique», commentera le
maître en roulant les «r».

Elsa naquit en 1890 à Rome, au palais Corsini, dans une famille
d’aristocrates intellos. Son père était un spécialiste des langues
orientales, son oncle astronome. Sa curiosité pour l’art fut intense.
Alors pourquoi la mode ?

Elle avait tout contre elle, Elsa Schiaparelli pour entrer en couture
à Paris. Elle ne savait ni coudre, ni manier des ciseaux, encore
moins draper une robe sur un corps comme le faisait Madeleine
Vionnet. Ses armes : de l’humour, des idées, le mépris des
conventions et cette autorité qui mettait tout le monde au
garde-à-vous devant elle. Dont son état-major : Dali, Cocteau,
Bérard, Giacometti. Leur folie était sa folie. Leur surréalisme
devint son réalisme.

En 1937, Cocteau créera pour son défilé un tailleur bleu brodé d’une
chevelure pailletée d’or qui s’enroulait autour de la manche. L’art
et la mode à fleur de peau déclenchaient la passion des
collectionneuses et nourrissaient tous les snobismes. En 1947, Hubert
de Givenchy débuta chez Schiap où il avait en charge sa boutique. Il
avait 20 ans. On ne devient pas grand à l’ombre d’un grand chêne mais
on apprend. Sévère apprentissage, Elsa n’était pas une tendre. Mais
ses inventions enchantaient le jeune homme comme «ses trouvailles
avaient fait les délices d’un cénacle de clientes triées sur le
volet. Tailleurs rose shocking à boutons cadenas, collier cachets
d’aspirine imaginés par Aragon, chapeau côtelette d’agneau et sac
téléphone inspirés par Dali». En osant mettre un certain mauvais goût
au goût du jour – les gants aux ongles de cuir rouge, la robe aux
déchirures sanglantes, le voile de mariée noir brodé d’une chevelure
de Gorgone -, Elsa architecte ornementaliste se révélera un
formidable moteur pour la création. Elle fut le Galliano des années
30, par qui le scandale arrive à la même vitesse que le succès.

Coco Chanel détestait cette protégée de Paul Poiret dont Cocteau dira
: «Elle immortalise l’éphémère.» Elsa considérait la mode comme un
art, Coco comme un métier.

Cocteau qui nourrissait pour l’une et l’autre une amitié égale, était
un aigle entre deux têtes. Il croquait rue Cambon, dessinait place
Vendôme et s’arrangeait pour que ces deux sacrés monstres ne se
croisent jamais.

L’histoire d’amour entre Paris et Schiap commence avec un divorce. Le
sien. En 1919, son mari l’abandonne à New York avec sa fille Gogo,
qui deviendra la mère de Marisa Berenson. En 1922, Gabrielle et
Francis Picabia, le père du dadaïsme, l’encouragent à regagner Paris
avec eux. Elle apprend le dessin et entre comme styliste dans une
maison de confection. Jusqu’au jour où elle rencontre l’acheteur d’un
grand magasin américain qui s’enthousiasme pour son pull. Noir à
cravate blanche en trompe l’oeil, tricoté sur ses instructions par sa
concierge arménienne. «J’en veux 40», dit l’Américain. «Vous les
aurez», promet Elsa qui file aux Galeries Lafayette acheter la laine,
les aiguilles et embauche dare-dare une trentaine de copines de sa
concierge. Les Arméniennes possédaient une technique particulière
pour le tricotage. Elsa est lancée. Elle s’installe rue de la Paix,
grignote un à un les étages et, pendant quatre ans, se consacre au
sportswear. Pulls, maillots de bain, pantalons de plage. Première
robe en 1931. En 1935, elle investit le rez-de-chaussée du 21, place
Vendôme, un hôtel particulier dont elle finira par occuper les six
étages et les cent pièces qu’elle fera décorer par Jean-Michel Franck
et Alberto Giacometti. Parallèlement, elle ouvre sa maison à Londres
où accourent la cour et la gentry. A Paris, Schiap a 800 ouvrières en
1939 et sera la première Française de la couture à signer des
contrats de licence en Amérique : quarante contrats pour des bas de
soie joliment emballés.

Schiaparelli en haute couture innove avec des collections à thèmes
éblouissants d’imprévu. «Cosmique», «Musique», «Cirque»,
«Botticelli», «Commedia dell’ar te», elle y associe ses chers
artistes qui constituent sa famille spirituelle. Avec eux, Elsa,
retrouve l’ambiance familiale de ses jeunes années nourries au lait
de la culture. Elle rayonne. On la voit à tous les bals dans ses
robes qui font sensation. Rien ne l’arrête. Si, la guerre!

En 1940, elle refuse de mettre la clé sous la porte, réduit sa
voilure, fait passer ses ateliers de 800 à 150 ouvrières et laisse sa
maison à sa directrice des salons. A chacun sa Résistance. Fermer la
place Vendôme eût été pour elle une capitulation, s’en aller lui
apparaît comme un devoir. Elle s’exile en Amérique où l’avaient
précédée les grandes signatures du surréalisme. Elle y restera
jusqu’en 1945 sans toucher une étoffe. Faire de la mode aux
Etats-Unis serait, disait-elle, une trahison vis-à-vis de la couture
française, mais elle entreprend une tournée de conférences à travers
le territoire américain où, devant 3 000 à 4 000 personnes, cette
grandissime Italienne, parle de la haute couture française.

La guerre finie, Schiap regagne la France. Tout a changé mais elle ne
s’en doute pas. Même si le magazine Elle lui offre la couverture de
son premier numéro (un ensemble rouge sur un mannequin tenant dans
les bras un bébé tigre), le déclin est en marche. En 1947, l’arrivée
de Christian Dior et du new-look change la donne. La femme-objet
corsetée, juponnée, au décolleté roucoulant sonne l’hallali des
femmes décoratives à l’ornementation anecdotique. Schiap essaie de
rectifier le tir. En 1952 et 1953, elle présentera quatre garde-robes
pour quatre budgets différents afin d’aider la femme moderne à
s’habiller selon sa fortune. L’erreur est monumentale : les années 50
étaient l’ge d’or de la couture, les femmes avaient l’argent facile.
Elle a beau inventer de nouveaux volumes, ses robes ne plaisent plus
qu’à ses clientes vieillissantes. Les autres partent ailleurs.
Résignée, Elsa garde sa boutique mais ferme sa maison. C’était en
1954, quelques jours avant le retour, après 15 ans d’absence, de Coco
Chanel rue Cambon. Elle s’éteindra en 1973. Le comte Guido Sassoli di
Bianchi rachète alors le nom de Schiaparelli mais, hormis quelques
contrats de licence en Australie, n’en fera rien. Il est mort en
janvier dernier. Un des plus beaux noms de la couture française est
peut-être à vendre…

Kasparov matched with boy wonder

March 19, 2004, Friday

Kasparov matched with boy wonder

By Malcolm Pein

THE line-up for the Reykjavik Rapid is now complete after the Open
tournament ended in a six-way tie for first place at the Reykjavik
City Hall. Five players qualified to join the 11 invited to take
part, who include the former world champions Garry Kasparov and
Anatoly Karpov, and England’s Nigel Short.

Of the eight players tied in the open on 6.5/9, Vladimir Epishin of
Russia, Igor Nataf of France, Jan Timman of Holland and Levon Aronian
of Armenia qualified, and Stefan Kristjansson of the host nation also
made it through to the main event.

A blitz tournament held to determine seeding saw Kasparov placed
second after losing to the Armenian Levon Aronian. The 13-year-old
sensation from Norway, IM Magnus Carlsen finishes in 15th place to
produce the dream first-round pairing between the world number one
and the world’s most precocious talent – Carlsen is already a
GM-strength player.

The full line-up (in world ranking order) is: 1 GM Garry Kasparov
2831 Russia; 2 GM Nigel Short 2702 England; 3 GM Anatoly Karpov 2682
Russia; 4 GM Alexey Dreev 2682 Russia; 5 GM Emil Sutovsky 2666
Israel; 6 GM Levon Aronian 2648 Armenia; 7 GM Johann Hjartarson 2640
Iceland; 8 GM Peter Heine Nielsen 2638 Denmark; 9 GM Vladimir Epishin
2633 Russia; 10 GM Jan Timman 2578 Holland; 11 GM Hannes Stefansson
2572 Iceland; 13 GM Margeir Petursson 2540 Iceland; 14 GM Helgi
Olafsson 2504 Iceland; 15 IM Magnus Carlsen 2484 Norway; 16 IM Stefan
Kristjansson 2404 Iceland.

Most of the Icelandic players have given up full-time chess and gone
into such fields as banking and law, but they are still a threat.
Johann Hjartarson is a former WCC Candidate.

Nataf got through by winning his last two games in the Open. The
Frenchman is a King’s Indian aficionado and does not fear the loss of
the dark squared bishop because of the closed nature of the position
after 15f4.

After 19g5 threat of g4 is imminent and the Black attack is clearly
quicker, hence the response 20.g4 but that does not solve all White’s
problems. 27.Be1 was an error because 27.Bg1 would have kept both f2
and e3 under control.

With Rf8 coming, White panics and gives up a pawn, but this only
serves to improve the Black position. 28.Rh4 would have been better.

R Pogorelov – I Nataf

21st Open Reykjavik (8)

King’s Indian Classical

1 Nf3 Nf6 2 c4 g6 3 Nc3 Bg7 4 e4 d6 5 d4 0-0 6 Be2 e5 7 0-0 Nc6 8 d5
Ne7 9 b4 Nh5 10 Re1 f5 11 Ng5 Nf6 12 f3 Kh8 13 Be3 Bh6 14 Nf7+ Rxf7
15 Bxh6 f4 16 c5 Neg8 17 Bg5 h6 18 Bh4 Rg7 19 Bf2 g5 20 g4 fxg3 21
hxg3 Nh5 22 Kh2 g4 23 Rh1 Qg5 24 fxg4 Nhf6 25 Qc1 Nxg4+ 26 Kg2 Qg6 27
Be1? Bd7 28 c6 bxc6 29 dxc6 Bxc6 30 Bxg4 Qxg4 31 Qe3 Rf8 32 Bd2 Rf4
33 Rae1 Qg6 34 Qd3 Rg4 35 Rh3 h5 36 Reh1 Nf6 37 Kf1 Rxg3 38 Rxg3 Qxg3
39 Qxg3 Rxg3 40 Rh4 Rg4 41 Rxg4 hxg4 42 Bg5 Kg7 43 Kf2 Kg6 44 Be3 a6
45 Kg3 Bxe4 46 Ba7 Kf5 47 Bb8 d5 48 Bxc7 d4 49 Nd1 Nh5+ 50 Kf2 g3+ 51
Kg1 Nf4 0-1

p p p p p 8 p p c p p p p p p o ) p n o – m p p p p o b p p p p p p ‘
p d


Final position after 51Nf4

Armenia files protest over British refusal to recognize ‘genocide’

Agence France Presse
March 19, 2004 Friday 9:25 AM Eastern Time

Armenia files protest over British refusal to recognize ‘genocide’


Armenia said on Friday that it had lodged an official protest after
Britain’s ambassador denied that “genocide” was committed when the
Ottoman Empire killed up 1.5 million Armenians, according to
Armenia’s count, at the end of World War I.

The issue of whether various nations recognize that “genocide” was
committed is one of the most sensitive in Armenia.

The episode also remains one of the most controversial in Turkish
history. Turkey recognizes that 300,000 Armenians had died along with
a large number of Turks at the end of the war.

“We regret the position,” taken by British ambassador Thorda
Abbott-Watt, foreign ministry spokesman Hamlet Gasparyan told AFP.

“Every country has a right to make up its own mind on this, based on
their own strategic interests. But on Armenian soil, the ambassadors
have to be more sensitive and delicate.”

Abbott-Watt recently told the California Courier, an English-language
weekly run by the Armenian diaspora in the United States, that “the
British government had condemned the massacre as an atrocity at the

“But the evidence was not sufficiently unequivocal that what took
place could be categorized as genocide under the 1948 United Nations
Convention on Genocide.”

She added that Armenia and Turkey had to “look into the future” and
stop squabbling over the one word.

One Armenian newspaper ran a series of letters from its readers
demanding that the British ambassador make a public apology for her

Church’s former priest admits tax fraud

The Associated Press State & Local Wire
March 19, 2004, Friday, BC cycle

Church’s former priest admits tax fraud


The former priest of an upstate church has pleaded guilty to tax
fraud, admitting he failed to report to the Internal Revenue Service
the church funds that he deposited in a private account for his own

Megerdich Megerdichian, 47, of Cranston, R.I., faces up to three
years in prison, a fine up to $250,000 and restitution to the IRS of
the $9,442 tax underpayment, according to U.S. Attorney Glenn
Suddaby. Sentencing is scheduled July 14 in federal court

Megerdichian was the priest at Holy Cross Armenian Apostolic Church
in Troy for about 16 years until his removal in 1998, according to
Suddaby. Two years later, he repaid the church funds, which had come
from various sources including congregation members.

Georgian Leader to Lift Economic Blockade of Province

The New York Times
March 19, 2004, Friday, Late Edition – Final

Georgian Leader to Lift Economic Blockade of Province


TBILISI, Georgia

President Mikhail Saakashvili said Thursday that he had won important
concessions from the leader of the renegade province of Adzharia and
would lift a four-day-old economic blockade.

“The sanctions will be lifted from midnight tonight because we have
resolved all the issues which led to this misunderstanding between
the local administration and the Georgian government,” he said after
meeting with the leader, Aslan Abashidze, in the provincial capital,

“I want to underline that there is no conflict with Adzharia, and
such a conflict cannot be,” Mr. Saakashvili said.

The deal defuses a crisis that was touched off Sunday when armed men
supporting Mr. Abashidze refused to allow the president to enter

Mr. Saakashvili placed Georgian troops on alert. Mr. Abashidze
declared a state of emergency in his fiefdom and sent armed men into
the streets.

The standoff threatened to have international repercussions as
officials from Russia, which has a military base in Adzharia,
expressed support for Mr. Abashidze.

According to wire service reports from Batumi, Mr. Abashidze will
allow parliamentary elections to proceed on March 28, review the
cases of imprisoned opponents and disarm his paramilitary militias.

Officials from the central government in Tbilisi will be based in
Batumi to ensure that the government receives customs duties that Mr.
Abashidze had withheld in the past, the reports said.

Mr. Abashidze later said, “The meeting showed that there are no
issues that cannot be resolved.”

The specifics of the agreements were not made public, and it was not
clear how much Mr. Abashidze surrendered of the economic and military
control he had exercised for years in the manner of what Mr.
Saakashvili had called “a feudal chief from medieval times.”

Political analysts here said it appeared that the president had
earned at least short-term concessions from Mr. Abashidze that would
allow the election to proceed and supporters of the central
government to campaign.

Mr. Abashidze has harassed and arrested opponents and made it almost
impossible for supporters of the central government to campaign or
move freely.

Mr. Saakashvili has said Mr. Abashidze’s “time is past” and analysts
said it was difficult to see how a compromise could be reached that
would allow him to remain in office. He was one of the last
supporters of the former president, Eduard A. Shevardnadze, who was
driven from office last November in a peaceful uprising led by Mr.

Before traveling to Batumi on Thursday morning, Mr. Saakashvili had
sounded a tough note, saying, “I am not going to be horse-trading
with anyone or meeting anyone halfway. The law should be observed
across all of Georgia’s territory. We are not doing any deals.”

He added, “We are speaking here about my subordinate.”

The meeting in Batumi was accompanied by televised scenes of Mr.
Abashidze’s supporters chanting, “Babu! Babu!”, which means
“grandfather,” and other protesters in the distance chanting Mr.
Saakashvili’s nickname, “Misha! Misha!”

The blockade, which began Monday, was causing economic disruption in
neighboring Turkey and Armenia and particularly in Azerbaijan, where
thousands of rail cars carrying oil to the port at Batumi were

GRAPHIC: Photo: President Mikhail Saakashvili of Georgia, center,
addressed supporters yesterday at a rally in Batumi, the provincial
capital of Adzharia. (Photo by Agence France-Presse–Getty Images);

Map of Georgia highlighting Batumi: Georgian officials will monitor
customs collections in Batumi.


Three civilians killed in latest mine explosion in Nagorno-Karabakh

Associated Press Worldstream
March 19, 2004 Friday 12:08 PM Eastern Time

Three civilians killed in latest mine explosion in Nagorno-Karabakh

YEREVAN, Armenia

A jeep of hunters driving in the contested Nagorno-Karabakh enclave
hit an anti-tank mine that killed three civilians and wounded another
six, a demining organization said Friday.

The explosion happened Sunday evening, the office of London-based
HALO trust in Nagorno-Karabakh’s regional capital Stepanakert said.

Nagorno-Karabakh remains laced with mines from the war that left
ethnic Armenian forces in control of the enclave within Azerbaijan. A
cease-fire between the two former Soviet republics was signed in
1994, but the enclave’s political status is unresolved and Armenian
and Azeri forces face off across a demilitarized zone.

Inlcuding the latest explosion, HALO said seven civilians have died
in Nagorno-Karabakh this year. Nine people died in 2003.

ARKA News Agency – 03/19/2004

ARKA News Agency
March 19 2004

RA President receives administration of RA Police

Mass media did not become business in Armenia – trustee of National
Press Club

Goal of European Commission in Armenia is to assist the development
of democracy

Armenia places 107th in the list of 121 states on representation of
women in the Parliament



YEREVAN, March 19. /ARKA/. RA President Robert Kocharian received
administration of RA police, President’s Press Office told ARKA. The
parties discussed activity of the system. L.D. –0–



YEREVAN, March 19. /ARKA/. Mass media did not become business in
Armenia, Trustee of National Press Club of Armenia Narine Dilbarian
stated at the forum dedicated to international women month. According
to her, it is the biggest obstacle on the way of provision of
independence of Armenian press. She said that due to this reason many
mass media look for shadow resources of financing and lose their
independence. At this, according to Dilbarian, most difficult is
provision of independence of electronic mass media, as they need
large financial spendings. In accordance to that she offered to
change grant policy of European and American organizations, by
directing grants to separate mass media.
She also mentioned the adoption of RA Government’s decision on
accreditation of journalists in state bodies.
Forum dedicated to international women month organized by US Embassy
to Armenia PR Department. The goal of the forum in discussion of role
of women in external policy, business, press and law-enforcement
bodies. L.D. –0–



YEREVAN, March 19. /ARKA/. Goal of European Commission in Armenia is
to assist the development of democracy in the frames of agreement on
partnership and cooperation between RA and EU, the Head of
Operational Section of EC Delegation for Georgia and Armenia Office
in Yerevan Adriana Longoni stated today. She said that European
institute of human rights and democracy is an instrument of support
of local public organizations for development of programs and
projects on human rights protection and democracy. In the view,
according to Longoni, several Armenia public organizations already
turned to EC Yerevan Office. She expressed hope that soon Armenian
NGOs will receive financing and conclude a contract on realization of
programs contributing to democracy development in Armenia. L.D. –0–



YEREVAN, March 19. /ARKA/. Armenia places 107th in the list of 121
states on representation of women in the Parliament, Professor of
Political Science at American University of Armenia Lusik Danielian
stated today at the forum dedicated to international women month.
According to her, USA takes 54th place in this list. She said that
today only 14 countries have Parliaments with the number of people
over 30%. At this she added that Armenia enters the list of 77
countries, which legally set the quotes for inclusion of women in
election lists of political parties. Danielian said that the
experience shows that the quotes are the only mechanism for inclusion
of women in parliament work. She also said that not only
participation of women in political parties is important, but their
representation in decision making bodies. She stressed dominating
role of Armenian women in public organizations and added that it is
time to switch from those organizations to political parties and
state structures.
Forum dedicated to international women month organized by US Embassy
to Armenia PR Department. The goal of the forum in discussion of role
of women in external policy, business, press and law-enforcement
bodies. L.D. –0–

Tehran: Georgian Armenians in Iranian Armenians Spring Games

IRNA, Iran
March 12 2004

Georgian armenians take part in Iranian armenians spring games

Isfahan, March 12, IRNA — Head of Isfahan`s Ararat Sports Club
Robert Shyjanian told IRNA of Friday the the Georgian armenians will
take part at the 13th Athletic Competitions of the Iranian armenians.

Shyjanian added, “The Georgian armenian athletes will participate
with one five-member team at the Iranian armenians` spring games,
competing only in track and field competitions.”
The five-day 13th Athletic Competitions of the Iranian armenians,
sponsored this year by Isfahan`s Ararat Sports Club will begin on
March 18th.
The games, also known as the Iranian armenians spring athletics,
are held in two main sections of men and women`s athletes, in which
the athletes compete in football, basketball, field and track,
volleyball, and table tennis contests.
The men`s games include football, basketball, table tennis and
field and track events, and the women`s games include basketball,
volleyball and field and track competitions.