Environment is Under Threat

A1 Plus | 17:09:16 | 16-03-2004 | Social |


Activists of thirty four Armenian organizations engaged in environment,
education and public health issues and united in an alliance on February 28
held Tuesday a news conference in Yerevan.

Deforestation was pointed out as the Armenian environmentalists’ biggest

“It is our top concern. We have already embarked on very serious work and
want all the programs to be put into reality”, said Tapan Eco Club chairman
Hrant Sargssyan.


International Conference on EU in Istanbul

Assembly of Armenians of Europe
Rue de Treves 10, 1050 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 647 08 01
Fax: +32 2 647 02 00

“Turkey and its prospects for accession to the european union”

On March 23-26 a conference titled “Turkey and its prospects for accession
to the European Union” is to be held in Istanbul on a joint initiative of UK
Foreign Office, Wilton Park Conference Center (UK) and Turkish Ministry of
Foreign Affairs.

The objective of the conference, which brings together Representatives of
the EU institutions, European Ambassadors in Turkey, Turkish diplomats and
researchers, is to discuss different aspects related to the Turkish apply
for EU membership.

The main discussion concerns the following topics:

Does Turkey fulfill Copenhagen criteria to join the EU? (M. Emmerson, CEPS)

What is already achieved (Volkan Bozkir, Turkish ministry of foreign
affairs) what still should be done? (Ari Oostlander, MEP)

How can human rights and civil society be strengthened? (Anne Dismor,
Swedish Ambassador in Turkey)

What would be the consequences of Turkish membership for both EU and Turkey
in social, cultural and economic terms? (Serif Mardin, Kemal Kersci, Per
Brekk, Omer Aras)

The geopolitical aspect is largely discussed in two directions: 1. the
implication of the Turkish membership on Turkey’s and EU’s roles in the
Caucasus and the Middel East (Ali Karasoglu, Gareth Winrow) and 2. its
implication on the EU security.

The main concerns of Turkish public opinion regarding Turkey’s membership
are also presented by Ali Carkoglu.

The panel discussion will be launched on acceptance of Turkey’s membership
by the the European public opinion. Anna Palacio (Foreign Minister, Madrid),
Annemie Neyts (Minister of State, Belgium), Pierre Lequiller (Paliament
member, France), Dr. Christoph Jessen (Federal Foreign Office, Berlin) are
invited to this session.

For more information see:


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Amb. Kirakossian Meets with National Geographic Society’s Executives

March 16, 2004
Embassy of the Republic of Armenia
2225 R Street, NW, Washington, DC, 20008
Tel: 202-319-1976, x. 348; Fax: 202-319-2982
Email: [email protected]; Web:

Ambassador Kirakossian Meets with National Geographic Society’s Executives

On March 16, 2004, Armenian Ambassador to the U.S., Dr. Arman Kirakossian
visited the National Geographic Society where he met with Mr. John Fahey,
President and CEO of the National Geographic Society and other executives of
the NGS and the National Geographic Magazine. On behalf of the Government,
Ambassador Kirakossian expressed satisfaction with the article “The Rebirth
of Armenia” that appeared in the March 2004 issue of the National Geographic
Magazine and generated great interest towards Armenia in the United States.

Ambassador Kirakossian presented issues relating to modern Armenia’s
history, culture, and traditions. Issues related to travel and tourism in
Armenia were also discussed during the meeting.


Nicosia: Melkonian school to close

Cyprus Mail, Cyprus
March 16 2004

Melkonian school to close
By Jean Christou

THE MELKONIAN Educational Institute in Nicosia is to close from June
2005, the New York-based foundation that administers Armenian schools
worldwide announced yesterday.

The move by the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU), which said
only three months ago that the 78-year-old school was not for sale,
has angered the 3,000-strong Armenian community on the island.

They said yesterday they planned to stage a demonstration on March 24
against the closure of the school, while the Melkonian’s alumni hope
to take legal action.

In November, the AGBU denied reports that the loss-making school,
sitting on a £40 million plot in the capital’s commercial district,
was up for grabs by developers and would be sold.

But in its announcement yesterday, the AGBU said that after
`extensive deliberations and thorough assessment’, the Central Board
had resolved unanimously to discontinue the school in June 2005.

`The Melkonian Educational Institute (MEI), as a significant and
historical institution within AGBU, has been a concern of the Central
Board over many years. This decision is based largely on the Board’s
conclusion that MEI no longer meets the challenges of its mission in
the present context of the Armenian world,’ the AGBU said.

`The ultimate objective is to lay their hands on the land and take
the funds out of Cyprus,’ Shavasb Bohdjalian, head of the alumni,
told the Cyprus Mail yesterday.

Since the controversy began, the Armenian community has managed to
have the Melkonian declared a listed building and has persuaded the
Forestry Department to file an application to declare the wooded area
in the grounds as a protected forest. Legal action is now being
considered, Bohdjalian said. If there is a case, it is likely to be
fought in the Cypriot courts, he said.

In a paid advertorial that appeared in local papers 10 days ago,
Gordon Anderson, the American representative of the AGBU, said that
`several options are being considered’ to accommodate the 200 or so
students at other schools so that they can gain an education `that
will have an Armenian component’.

The AGBU administers 22 Armenian schools worldwide, including the
Melkonian, which was founded in 1926 and is today the only secondary
school in Cyprus for the Armenian community.

`It is not just a matter of the sale of the land and the flight of
some 80 million dollars to the US in violation of a 1926 will by the
founders,’ the alumni said. `It’s also abuse of the rights of
Armenian children who are being deprived their human right to a fair
education based on their cultural heritage,’ they said, adding that
the AGBU Central Board had refused to discuss ways to save the school
because their main aim was `to take the money and run’.

The AGBU said the Central Board fully recognised and honoured the
continued legacy of the Melkonian Brothers, and `is determined to
perpetuate their memory through new educational programmes to be
implemented within and outside Cyprus, in line with the spirit of
their donation to AGBU’.

However, the alumni said the AGBU’s talk of co-operating with other
institutions, research centres and even universities was a public
relations gimmick that aimed to mislead the Cyprus government into
allowing the sale and subsequent export of the funds.

Iran-Armenia pipeline construction may begin by year-end

March 16 2004

Iran-Armenia pipeline construction may begin by year-end

Yerevan. (Interfax) – Construction of the Iran-Armenia gas pipeline
may begin by the end of 2003 and be completed within one to two
years, Armenian Finance and Economics Minister Vardan Khachatryan
told journalists on Monday.

He said that the gas pipeline will become one of the main alternative
sources of fuel for Armenia after the closure of Armenia Nuclear
Power Plant.

The minister said that to replace the capacity of the nuclear plant
it is necessary to find about $1 billion. He said that at the moment
only the European Union has said that it is ready to pay out 100
million euros for this. This will be paid into a special fund.

The said that the EU’s decision will act as a stimulus to foreign
investors. The minister did not rule out Russian participation in the
construction of the pipeline.

In turn Torben Holtze, the head of European Union’s delegation in
Armenia and Georgia, told journalists after talks with Khachatryan
that it will only be possible to pay out 100 million euros to Armenia
to create alternative energy supply sources after the government sets
a date for the closure of Armenia Nuclear Power Plant, on which the
EU is insisting.

Holtze also did not rule out the possibility of Iranian gas being
supplied to Europe through this pipeline but said that this project
is still in the future and is not yet being discussed. He also said
that the EU and Russia have different economic interests.

Iranian Ambassador to Armenia Mohammad Farhad Koleini said earlier
that in the near future the Iranian oil and gas minister will visit
Armenia, during which a final agreement will be signed on the start
of the pipeline.

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Boris Alyoshin said at the start of
February that the construction of a gas pipeline from Iran to Armenia
is in Russia’s interest. He said that Gazprom may become operator of
part of the pipeline through Armenia in the future. He said that
Russia is consulting with Armenia on a feasibility study for the

The Iran-Armenia gas pipeline has been on the drawing board since
1992. In addition to the two main participants in the project, other
interested parties include Russia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, countries
in the European Union, and China. The European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development has said that it is ready to finance
the project.

Armenia and Iran signed an intergovernmental agreement in 1995
establishing the route of the pipeline, which stretches 114 km,
including 41 km in Armenia and 100 km in Iran. The agreement also
sets the price for gas to be transported through the pipeline at $84
per 1,000. The cost of the project is estimated at $120 million.

The possibility is also being considered of building a pipeline to
the Armenian-Georgian border. In this case the cost of the project
will increase to $306 million and the pipeline will be 550 km long
and have a capacity of 4.5 billion cubic meters per annum.

BAKU: Canada attaches importance to links with Azerbaijan

Azer Tag, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
March 16 2004

[March 16, 2004, 15:39:34]

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Vilayat Guliyev has met
with Director General of Canadian Foreign Ministry’s Bureau on
Southeastern Europe David Preston, Foreign Ministry’s press -service

During the meeting, Minister Vilayat Guliyev noted that the visit
would be very useful for strengthening friendly relations and
business contacts between Azerbaijan and Canada, and expressed deep
confidence of its positive impact on the perspectives of cooperation
between the two countries. He said he was a supporter of expanding
Canada-Azerbaijan relations in all spheres, and continuation of the
countries’ cooperation in the international organizations.

According Mr. David Preston said the goal of the visit was to
exchange views concerning expansion of the relations between
Azerbaijan and Canada in various spheres, and stressed his country
attached importance to the development of mutually beneficial links
and closer cooperation in the frameworks of the international

Foreign Minister Vilayat Guliyev told the guest in detail of the work
carried out for settlement of Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh
conflict, hard living conditions of over 1 million of refugees, and
mentioned the importance to intensify efforts by international
community for urgent resolution of the problem on the base of
international law.

Speaking of the processes taking place in Azerbaijan, the Minister
pointed out that despite existing difficulties, the country had
gained progress in the sphere of building civilized and democratic
society. Touching upon the successful construction of the
Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline, he noted that Azerbaijan is a
regional leader in the sphere of economic development.

As of the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, Mr.
Preston expressed hope that the problem would be peacefully settled
soon due to joint efforts of the international community.

The parties have also discussed a number of other issues of mutual

BAKU: Reception at the cabinet of ministers

Azer Tag, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
March 16 2004

[March 16, 2004, 19:43:26]

On 16 March, Prime minister of Azerbaijan Artur Rasizadeh received
the visiting Acting Chairman of OSCE, foreign minister of Bulgaria
Solomon Passy.

Greeting the guests, the premier spoke of the results of the reforms
conducted in the country, rising year-by-year GDP and volume of
foreign investment, on rise of wages and numerous social allowances.
Along with the priorities in the development of global energy
projects, the leadership of Azerbaijan attaches great attention to
strengthening of non-oil sector, the Premier said.

As was stated, despite of positive alterations in the economic sphere,
Azerbaijan has a major problem that is the unsolved Armenian-Azerbaijani
Nagorny Karabakh conflict, which led to occupation of the Azerbaijani
lands, and ousting of the native population form their homelands.
Speaking of measures taken for settlement of this conflict, the
premier stated that the leadership of Country is for peaceful
resolution of the problem and called on the OSCE Acting Chairman to
activate efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group in this direction.

Expressing his gratitude to the Prime Minister for warm reception and
provided comprehensive information, head of the delegation Mr.
Solomon Passy conveyed greetings from the premier of his country.

In the course of talks, also were exchanged views on a number of
other issues of mutual interest.

Head of the OSCE Baku Office Mr. Peter Burhard took part at the

Armenian-Spanish Collaboration on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology

Fuel Cell Today, UK
March 16 2004

Armenian-Spanish Collaboration on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology
16 March 2004

Author: INASMET – Press Release
Provider: Fuel Cell Today

Under the auspices of the Strategic Plan for Materials and Energy
being carried out by the Spanish INASMET, the Armenian Institute of
Chemistry & Physics of the National Academy of Sciences has signed a
joint working agreement on order to make progress in one of the
future energy sources such as fuel cells based on using hydrogen.
This alternative energy source to fossil fuels (petroleum and its
derivatives) has, amongst other advantages, that of being
non-contaminant, given that the only by-product is water due to the
combustion of hydrogen. Energy user sectors such as automotive one
and aeronautic are the most likely beneficiaries of this alternative

On the occasion of the signing of the joint co-operation contract and
in order to continue work started in 1999 between both bodies,
professor S. Kharatyan, the sub-director of the Armenian Institute,
accompanied by researcher, doctor A. Sargyan, have visited Inasmet
Technological Centre.

The agreement involves the development of SHS (Self-propagating
High-temperature Synthesis) technology that has relevant applications
in the industrial sector (energy and metallurgy), in obtaining
enhanced-specification materials at competitive prices. The technical
team at INASMET already has ten years of experience in this
speciality and applications widely accepted industrially have been
obtained, such as powders for special coatings or high-specification
porous materials.

One aspect of the new agreement – more directly related to hydrogen
energy – will be the development of new production methods for metal
hydrides as raw material for fuel cells, given that they are an
efficient form of “storing” hydrogen through SHS technology.

The Armenian Institute of Chemistry & Physics, founded in 1975, is
developing new lines of technological research, initiated in Moscow,
amongst the advantages of which are those involving simplicity,
rapidity and low energy consumption throughout the whole process.

In 1999 the first steps were taken for the joint enterprise between
INASMET and the Armenian institution in order to obtain cermets,
materials composed of ceramic and metal for applications in extreme
operating conditions. The first relevant steps in that two different
research teams and professionals from two distinct cultures have come
together and, apart from overcoming language barriers, the Armenians
in particular have had to go through work permit procedures under
very difficult conditions. With the signing of this agreement, many
of these difficulties have been overcome and there are very positive
expectations for both partners for advancement in these technologies.

Sofia: Bulgarian FM urges resumption of Nagorno Karabakh talks

Bulgarian News Network, Bulgaria
March 16 2004

Bulgarian foreign minister urges resumption of Nagorno Karabakh talks

SOFIA (bnn) – Bulgaria’s Foreign Minister Solomon Passy, who chairs
the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe urged Tuesday
the sides in Azerbaijan’s Nagorno Karabakh conflict to resume peace
talks without any preconditions.
`The key to the solution is in the direct dialog,’ Passy said during
a visit to the Azeri capital of Baku. `The OSCE is always ready to

Azerbaijan’s autonomous region of Nagorno Karabakh, which is
populated mainly by Armenians, petitioned to become part of Armenia
towards the end of the Soviet era. Serious fighting erupted in 1991
and in the following two years Armenian forces gained control of
Nagorno-Karabakh and occupied almost 20 percent of Azeri territory.

The leaders of the Nagorno-Karabakh region have declared
independence, though this status has not been recognized by any
state. The fighting between Azeris and Armenians left more than
15,000 dead.

Passy said the OSCE could propose various solutions to the conflict,
but added that `it would be just laboratory work until Armenia and
Azerbaijan reach agreement on the negotiation table.’

`The only option that will work will be the one of mutual
compromises,’ Passy said.

The Karabakh issue was a key topic of Passy’s talks with Azeri
President Ilham Aliev.

He told him that the later a solution is reached, the more painful it
will be for the local people. /bnn/

ANCA-ER: Maine Activists Discuss Community Concerns with Sen. Snowe

Armenian National Committee of America
Eastern Region
80 Bigelow Avenue
Watertown, MA 02472
Tel: 617-923-1918
Fax: 617-926-5525
[email protected]

March 16, 2004

Contact: Arin Gregorian
617-923-1918; [email protected]


— Thank Senator for Cosponsoring Genocide Resolution;
Pledge to Work on Armenia Aid; Military Aid Parity Issue

PORTLAND, ME–Maine Armenian activists met with Republican Senator Olympia
Snowe yesterday to discuss a range of issues, including concerns about the
Bush Administration request to break its agreement to maintain military aid
parity between Armenia and Azerbaijan, the ongoing blockade of Armenia and
Nagorno Karabagh and the peaceful resolution of the Karabagh conflict,
reported the Armenian National Committee Eastern Region (ANCA ER).

“I was proud to be part of the Maine Armenian community team to discuss
pressing issues of concern with Senator Snowe,” explained longtime ANC
activist Kathy Durgerian. “We look forward to working closely with the
Senator to ensure a stronger US-Armenia relationship and proper recognition
of the Armenian Genocide.”

Armenian Cultural Association of Maine members Paul Proudian, Jirair
Kiladjian, and Kathy Durgerian, thanked the Senator for cosponsoring the
Genocide Resolution (S.Res.164) and her past support of Armenian Genocide
commemorative efforts in the state. In April of 2003, an Armenian American
aide to Sen. Snowe participated in an Armenian Genocide observance and
unveiling of an Armenian Genocide monument. At the event, held in Portland,
she read a statement from the Senator commemorating the victims of the

The group stressed the importance of expanding US-Armenia trade levels by
passing the Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) measure currently before
the Senate. The activists also expressed particular concern about the Bush
Administration’s proposed FY 2005 budget, which calls for an $8 million
military aid package for Azerbaijan, while only allocating $2 million for
Armenia. Citing Azerbaijan’s blockade of Armenia and Nagorno Karabagh, as
well as the Azerbaijani leadership’s belligerent statements in support of a
military solution to the Karabagh conflict, the activists argued that
breaking military parity would only serve to encourage Azerbaijan in its
destructive behavior.

The Armenian National Committee of America is the largest and most
influential Armenian American grassroots political organization. Working in
coordination with a network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout
the United States and affiliated organizations around the world, the ANCA
actively advances the concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad
range of issues.

