Armenia and Latvia set to boost ties

Armenia and Latvia set to boost ties

15 Mar 04


Armenian Deputy Foreign Minister Ruben Shugaryan held a meeting today
with his Latvian counterpart Andris Teikmanis. The meeting was held
within the framework of bilateral consultations.

The press service of the Armenian Foreign Ministry told Arminfo news
agency that they discussed ways of stepping up bilateral relations and
the possibility of Latvia helping Armenia in the process of its
integration into European structures. The sides stressed the need for
closer cooperation between Armenia and Latvia in international

Armenian Deputy Foreign Minister Ruben Shugaryan expressed the hope
that through its membership of the European Union (EU), Latvia will be
able to help Armenia’s active participation in this structure. In
particular, they expressed the hope that Latvia will do its best for
the South Caucasus to be included in the EU initiative – “New
neighbours”. The Armenian deputy foreign minister talked about the
situation in the region at the guest’s request, and also prospects for
cooperation with the South Caucasus.

The Latvian delegation also held meetings with Armenian Deputy Speaker
Tigran Torosyan and representatives of the presidential administration
and the Armenian Defence Ministry.

Submitted by Janoyan Ana

EU to help Armenia with democratic reforms

EU to help Armenia with democratic reforms

15 Mar 04


The sixth session of the Armenia-European Union commission for
interparliamentary cooperation started in Yerevan today.

The speaker of the Armenian National Assembly, Artur Bagdasaryan,
stated at the opening of the session that Armenia’s membership of the
European Union (EU) is one of the priorities of the republic’s foreign
policy. He said that the main step of the republic’s integration in
the EU is its participation in the “Expanded Europe: new neighbours”

Artur Bagdasaryan noted that Armenia has already completed the process
of honouring its commitments to the Council of Europe. He stressed
that constitutional changes and reforms in the legal system should
also be carried out in the republic.

The head of the Armenia-European Union commission for
interparliamentary cooperation, Torben Holtze, stated that the last
few years have seen progress in Armenia’s fulfilment of its
commitments to the CE. He said that the republic has ratified all
international conventions and adopted almost all the laws required by
the CE. At the same time, he stressed that it is necessary to reform
the state’s electoral system in order to rule out violations during
elections in the future, as it was the case in the 2003 presidential
and parliamentary elections.

[Passage omitted: The EU is to allocate 20m euros to Armenia for
democratic reforms and for the settlement of the Nagornyy Karabakh

Submitted by Janoyan Ana

Presidents discuss problems of Georgia’s Armenian community

Presidents discuss problems of Georgia’s Armenian community

12 Mar 04


Georgian Armenians should be full citizens of our country with equal
opportunities, Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili told a news
conference in Yerevan today.

At the same time, the Georgian president noted the need for concrete
work in regions. For example, he said that a Russian military base is
the only employer in Akhalkalaki [Georgian region populated by ethnic
Armenians]. “This is not a normal situation,” he said, adding that one
could not survive without a well-developed economy. Moreover, he
mentioned tough climatic conditions in the region. This circumstance,
as well as the fact that the region is located on the border, became
obstacles to the development of the region back during the Soviet era.

As for the demands that the political status of the Georgian region be
changed, Saakashvili said that this kind of issues could be resolved
exclusively within Georgia.

I am thankful to the Armenian president for his strict position on
territorial integrity and stability in Georgia and in the region as a
whole. This is in the interests of Armenia, Georgia and of the future
of the South Caucasus,” Saakashvili said.

At the same time, he noted that “any attempt to artificially disrupt
stability is doomed to failure, as Armenia has a president who
understands very well the significance of stability and peace and
second, understands that this intention can lead to tragedy, which I
would not advise anybody even to think about”.

He noted that he even did not welcome debates on this issue. He said
that sometimes people think about this. Those are the people who have
no idea about the region and its problems but are engaged in
theoretical alterations to maps, Saakashvili said.

Armenian President Robert Kocharyan also underlined the similarity of
the positions of the Armenian and Georgian authorities, which called
for more harmonic and deeper integration of the Armenian diaspora into
Georgia’s economic, political and cultural life.

“This is the core on the basis of which concrete actions should be
taken. These include a road linking Tbilisi with the region of
Javakheti, a road which will create conditions for selling produce
from the region on Tbilisi’s markets and also economic programmes.

“We could work on this together,” Kocharyan noted. He said that the
main goal was proper integration of the Armenian community into
Georgian communities of these regions. “This is Armenia’s official
position,” the Armenian president said.

USA wants speedy reforms in Azerbaijan

USA wants speedy reforms in Azerbaijan

Zerkalo, Baku
12 Mar 04

The key goal of US officials’ recent visits to Baku was to persuade
the Azerbaijani leadership to carry out radical economic and political
reforms, Azerbaijani daily Zerkalo has said. Washington wants
Azerbaijan and other South Caucasus countries to share its values and
pursue its policy. To that end, the USA is trying to attract
Azerbaijan to NATO and has promised Baku assistance in reorganizing
its army, Zerkalo said. However, the paper said, Washington’s military
aid is linked to the settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict
over Nagornyy Karabakh. Azerbaijan will have to make some compromises
in the peace talks, and US officials seem to have partly convinced the
Baku government, the daily said. The following is an excerpt from Rauf
Mirqadirov’s report by Azerbaijani newspaper Zerkalo on 12 March
headlined “Washington insists on speedy reforms in Azerbaijan” and
subheaded “The White House will wait for another three months”;
subheadings inserted editorially:

Americans dominate Baku

Americans dominated Baku this week. Never has the capital of
Azerbaijan seen so many high level delegations during the course of
one week. Moreover, one cannot help but notice that predominant among
the Americans landing in Baku were State Department emissaries and
military officials.

Judge for yourselves. At the beginning of the week there was a
delegation from the US airforce college together with US Deputy
Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Lynn
Pascoe. Staying in the capital yesterday was a delegation headed by
the US State Department deputy director for European security and
political affairs, Eric Schultz, and the deputy political adviser at
the US mission in NATO, Bruce Rogers.

And arriving today in Baku from Washington is yet another very
impressive delegation comprised exclusively of military and diplomatic
officials. This time it is a mission of the supreme advisory council
to the US European Command (EUCOM), headed by the deputy commander of
the US European Command, Gen Charles Wald. Also part of the delegation
are Commander-in-Chief Allied Forces Southern Europe Adm Gregory
Johnson and many ambassadors of various ranks.

In a word, Azerbaijan is keeping diplomats and military officials
busy, while economic questions have moved down to the second order of
importance. It is clear why. The most important geopolitical task of
the USA in the region involving economic aspects has already been
resolved. The building of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline is already
under way, and all the problems connected with the financing of this
project have been resolved.

Need for radical reforms

Today, the Americans are trying to accomplish several tasks at the
same time.

First, to talk the Azerbaijani leadership into some radical economic
and political reforms. As we have already learned from well-informed
diplomatic sources, this theme was key to questions discussed between
Lynn Pascoe and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.

Once again Pascoe brought to Baku’s attention the White House’s
position, concluding that relations between the two countries could be
raised to a qualitatively higher level only through assurance that
both governments share the same values, i.e. adhere to the principles
of democracy, respect and uphold human rights and liberal democracy.

If we put all the abovementioned from the diplomatic language into
plain language, Pascoe’s statements imply that Azerbaijan should share
the values recognized by the USA.

Pascoe, however, noted that the White House did not rule out the
possibility of inviting Ilham Aliyev to Washington on an official
visit before the US presidential elections. But, the same diplomatic
sources say that Pascoe stated that such an invitation could take
place only if Baku did not confine itself to verbal promises but took
real steps towards putting reforms into practice.

Washington gives Baku another three months

Delegation members did not hide the fact that Washington was
disappointed with the developments in Azerbaijan and with Baku’s
activities since 15 October [presidential elections]. Azerbaijani
officials were informed about this in a private conversation with a
member of the American delegation. At the same time, he [the
delegation member] said that Washington would wait for another three
months. If, by this time, serious steps towards reforms have not been
taken, then Washington will totally lose its faith in the ability of
the current Azerbaijani leadership to lead the country on the path of
integration into the Euro-Atlantic structures, with all ensuing

Second, the USA will try not to lose the initiative in the South
Caucasus to other players in the geopolitical game, above all, to the
European Union and Russia. Pascoe said this with typical American
straightforwardness at a meeting with Aliyev. Pointing out the growing
interest of the European Union in Azerbaijan and other countries of
the region, Pascoe said that the USA was making every effort “not to
stay behind” this competition.

USA wants “great changes”

The US diplomat said that he intended to discuss a number of issues
with Aliyev and to hold an exchange of views on “great changes” in the
region. In fact, Pascoe hinted that Washington was worried about an
undisguised increase in the activity of the European Union in the
South Caucasus, where up until recently the USA has regarded its
position as unshaken. However, now that “a democratically-elected
president” came to power in Georgia, the European Union is ready to
include the South Caucasus countries into its Wider Europe – New
Neighbourhood policy. This means that the EU sees the region within
its ranks in the near future. It is no coincidence that in Baku,
[Georgian President Mikheil] Saakashvili proposed creating a
mini-European Union of Azerbaijan and Georgia. Having left the
Azerbaijani capital, he included Armenia and then Russia in this list.

Things are clear with Russia – the EU does not want to see it as its
member for good reasons, at least in the near future. But the EU views
the South Caucasus as a single geopolitical and economic space. It is
no coincidence that the EU’s special representative for the South
Caucasus, Heikki Talvitie, has more than once said that this
organization treated equally all the three countries of the region.

USA wants South Caucasus to pursue its policy

The USA, in principle, is not against this prospect but would like to
see the South Caucasus countries as countries pursuing Washington’s
policy, like Spain, Poland and some other countries in the Eastern
Europe. Therefore, the USA is trying to attract the countries of the
South Caucasus, above all Azerbaijan and Georgia, to NATO where
Washington still has the final say. The USA thinks that this process
should be completed over the next two or three years.

However, except for the aforesaid, the armed forces of the regional
countries have to be reorganized to meet NATO standards and also the
Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict has to be resolved. Strange as it may
seem, but these two problems interrelate.

It is no coincidence that at a meeting with Azerbaijani Defence
Minister Safar Abiyev, Eric Schultz and Bruce Rogers discussed
strategic partnership between Azerbaijan, the USA and NATO. US
ambassador to Azerbaijan Reno Harnish noted at the meeting that
US-NATO cooperation with Azerbaijan and other countries of the South
Caucasus was aimed at eliminating instability in the region. He said
that the USA intended to continue cooperation with Azerbaijan to
ensure security. Harnish noted that the USA was expecting Safar
Abiyev’s visit to the USA where aspects of military cooperation
between the countries would be discussed.

[Passage omitted: at a meeting with the US delegation, Safar Abiyev
said the liberation of Karabakh was priority]

USA promises military assistance

The matter is that without a settlement to the Karabakh conflict, the
USA cannot render proper assistance to Azerbaijan to reorganize and
upgrade the army in compliance with NATO standards.

Suffice it to say that the Armenian group of the Congress took
painfully the US decision to allocate to Azerbaijan in military
assistance several million dollars more than to Armenia.

We have learned from diplomatic sources that during the negotiations
in Baku, Washington’s emissaries promised assistance to Azerbaijan in
reorganizing the army and in creating a large unit under NATO
standards within two or three years.

Need for compromises

However, Azerbaijan will have to make certain compromises in the
Karabakh peace talks.

It seems that the emissaries have managed to partly convince Baku’s
officials. Not long ago, the Azerbaijani leadership did not rule out
that the negotiations had to be started from scratch. However, Ilham
Aliyev recently expressed his surprise at a pessimistic statement made
by the Russian deputy foreign minister over the situation in the
negotiations to settle the Karabakh conflict.

Aside from this, against the background of the US week in Baku, a
surprising report has emerged saying that Aliyev will pay a visit to
Bratislava (Slovakia) on 18-19 March to attend an international
conference “Towards a Wider Europe: The new Agenda”.

[Passage omitted: list of countries which are to attend the

Hydrogen as an alternative energy to petrolium

Innovations-Report, Germany
March 15 2004

Hydrogen as an alternative energy to petrolium

The key aspect of the project is the obtaining of metal hydrides with
the capacity to “store” the hydrogen used in automotive vehicle fuel

Under the auspices of the Strategic Plan for Materials and Energy
being carried out by INASMET, the Armenian Institute of Chemistry &
Physics of the National Academy of Sciences has signed a joint
working agreement on order to make progress in one of the future
energy sources such as fuel cells based on using hydrogen.

This alternative energy source to fossil fuels (petroleum and its
derivatives) has, amongst other advantages, that of being
non-contaminant, given that the only by-product is water due to the
combustion of hydrogen. Energy user sectors such as automotive one
and aeronautic are the most likely beneficiaries of this alternative

On the occasion of the signing of the joint co-operation contract and
in order to continue work started in 1999 between both bodies,
professor S. Kharatyan, the sub-director of the Armenian Institute,
accompanied by researcher, doctor A. Sargyan, have visited Inasmet
Technological Centre.

The agreement involves the development of SHS (Self-propagating
High-temperature Synthesis) technology that has relevant applications
in the industrial sector (energy and metallurgy), in obtaining
enhanced-specification materials at competitive prices. The technical
team at INASMET already has ten years of experience in this
speciality and applications widely accepted industrially have been
obtained, such as powders for special coatings or high-specification
porous materials.

One aspect of the new agreement – more directly related to hydrogen
energy – will be the development of new production methods for metal
hydrides as raw material for fuel cells, given that they are an
efficient form of `storing’ hydrogen through SHS technology.

The Armenian Institute of Chemistry & Physics, founded in 1975, is
developing new lines of technological research, initiated in Moscow,
amongst the advantages of which are those involving simplicity,
rapidity and low energy consumption throughout the whole process.

In 1999 the first steps were taken for the joint enterprise between
INASMET and the Armenian institution in order to obtain cermets,
materials composed of ceramic and metal for applications in extreme
operating conditions. The first relevant steps in that two different
research teams and professionals from two distinct cultures have come
together and, apart from overcoming language barriers, the Armenians
in particular have had to go through work permit procedures under
very difficult conditions. With the signing of this agreement, many
of these difficulties have been overcome and there are very positive
expectations for both partners for advancement in these technologies.

Contact :
Cristina Alberdi
[email protected]
(+34) 943 003668

The Young Face of Georgia

Noyan Tapan Highlights #10(512)
15 March 2004

The Young Face of Georgia

By Haroutiun Khachatrian

The series of impressions we had got of Mikhail Saakashvili, has been
extended by what we saw during his visit to Armenia. The rather extensive
dialogue of the two presidents has brought a sizable set of additional
information about the new Georgian leader. In short, the positive
expectations we had from fragments seen on TV screens earlier have largely
been confirmed.

The most important element was, of course, the attitude of the President of
Georgia about the regional problems, the unresolved ethnic conflicts being
the most important ones among them. He displayed a sober and pragmatic
stance, carefully avoiding any expressions and words, which could increase
tension and suspicions of whoever concerned. He gave optimistic promises,
extending as far as the promise to re-open the rail link in Abkhazia in a
year period (the official report quotes him as saying this during his
meeting with Artur Baghdasarian, the Chairman of the National Assembly of
Armenia). Similarly, he pronounced many correct and optimistic words about
the regional cooperation and the relations between this region and its
powerful neighbors.

Of course, much of what Saakashvili declared in Yerevan was said by his
predecessor as well. What was different between Saakashvili and
Shevardnadze, was, in my view, that the new 36-year-old president really
meant what he said. It was evident that this is his style: he spoke very
openly, often saying things that few other politicians would. And hence he
looked quite sincere in expressing his goals: settling problems with Russia,
regulate conflicts, stimulate cooperation in the region.

Georgia has been, for a number of reasons, the central element of the South
Caucasus. If its new leader succeeds in implementing his policy, the
situation in the whole region may improve greatly. Good luck!!!

HH Karekin II Receives Mikael Saakashvili, President of Georgia

Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, Information Services
Address: Vagharshapat, Republic of Armenia
Contact: Foreign Press Office
Tel: (374 1) 517 163
Fax: (374 1) 517 301
E-Mail: [email protected]
March 15, 2004

His Holiness Karekin II Receives Mikael Saakashvili, President of the
Republic of Georgia

In the morning of March 13, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and
Catholicos of All Armenians, received Mikael Saakashvili, the new President
of the Republic of Georgia, in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. Mr.
Saakashvili is in Armenia on his first visit since his election.

Welcoming the President’s visit to the worldwide spiritual center of the
Armenian Church, the Pontiff of All Armenians congratulated President
Saakashvili on his recent election victory, and offered a prayer asking for
God’s support to help the new president bring his services to the Georgian
nation. His Holiness further expressed hope that the Georgian people and
state will live peaceful and prosperous lives, noting that Armenia and her
neighbor to the north are closely linked and interrelated to one another.

His Holiness and President Saakashvili also spoke about the fraternal
relations which exist between the Armenian Apostolic Church and the Georgian
Orthodox Church. In addition, they discussed issues existing in the
Armenian Diocese of Georgia and concerns related to Georgian Armenians.

The President of Georgia thanked the Catholicos of All Armenians for the
warm reception and conveyed the brotherly greetings and kind wishes of His
Holiness Ilia II, Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia. Mr. Saakashvili
touched on some of the problems facing the two republics and expressed his
hope that due to the centuries-old friendship and cooperation among the
neighbor states, it will be possible to provide solutions that will lead to
prosperity for both the Armenian and the Georgian nations.

“I have a feeling of deep respect towards Your Holiness and the Armenian
Church, and as the President of the Republic of Georgia, I will make every
effort to foster and develop the relations existing between our two brother
nations and Churches,” noted the President in his remarks.

At the conclusion of the meeting the President visited the museum inside the
Pontifical Residence and lit a candle in the Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin.
His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanian, Primate of the Armenian Diocese of
Georgia; Very Rev. Fr. Arshak Khachatrian, Chancellor of the Mother See; Mr.
Vartan Oskanian, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Armenia; Mr. Georgi
Khosroyev, Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to the Republic of Georgia;
Mr. Nikoloz Nikolozishvili, President Saakashvili’s Representative in the
Region of Javakhk; and members of the Governments of Armenia and Georgia
attending the meeting.


CENN: Cross-Border Media Project Evaluation Announcement

Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN)
Tel: ++995 32 92 39 46
Fax: ++995 32 92 39 47
E-mail: [email protected]

Cross-Border Media Project Evaluation Announcement

The Eurasia Foundation, a privately managed grant-making organization
funded primarily by the United States Agency for International
Development, seeks an evaluation consultant to conduct a cluster
evaluation of 7 cross-border independent media projects awarded by its
South Caucasus Cooperation Program (SCCP) from 1999-2003. The evaluation
study is scheduled to be conducted by May 14, 2004 with the final report
submitted no later than May 31, 2004.

SCCP seeks to identify and analyze results and impact of the 7
cross-border media projects (19 individual grants) and to explore the
results of these projects. The goals of the study are to identify
additional program areas to improve or expand SCCP’s cross-border
independent media work and identify the niche or role that SCCP is most
suited to fill in the context of other cross-border media initiatives in
the South Caucasus region.

The ideal evaluator will have experience in the field of cross-border
mass media, preferably in similar transition and conflicted societies.
The ideal evaluator will also have experience in evaluating media
projects using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Russian
language skills would be very helpful.

Request for Bids
The Eurasia Foundation seeks bids from individuals or organizations to
conduct this evaluation. After receiving the detailed Scope of Work from
the Foundation, applicants will submit a brief proposal that includes a
detailed description of the evaluator’s qualifications and proposed
evaluation methodology. In addition, the applicant will submit a budget
that should include the following:
1. Fixed compensation rate for the project;
2. Travel costs between the evaluator’s home city and Tbilisi; and
3. All local travel costs, including transport, lodging and meal

All expenses must comply with the Eurasia Foundation’s cost and travel

The deadline for applications is March 22, 2004. Primary criteria for
selection will be professional qualifications, quality of the proposed
evaluation methodology and cost-effectiveness. The Eurasia Foundation
expects to notify the successful applicant of its decision by March 29,

Applicants should contact the Eurasia Foundation to receive a copy of
the detailed Scope of Work for the evaluation. Applicants may request an
electronic copy of the Scope of Work by contacting Ms. Lisa Butenhoff
([email protected]) or visiting the Foundation’s offices in Baku,
Tbilisi or Yerevan. The office addresses are listed below. Applications
should be sent by 6:00 pm on March 22, 2004 to Ms. Lisa Butenhoff at the
email address above.
Eurasia Foundation Office Addresses in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia

The Eurasia Foundation
4 Demirchyan Street
Yerevan 375019, Armenia

The Eurasia Foundation
67 Fizuli Street, 5th Floor
Baku 370014, Azerbaijan

The Eurasia Foundation
3 Kavsadze Street
Tbilisi 0179, Georgia

Primate meets with Ecumenical Patriarch

Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
Contact: Jake Goshert, Coordinator of Information Services
Tel: (212) 686-0710 Ext. 60; Fax: (212) 779-3558
E-mail: [email protected]

March 15, 2004


Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church
of America (Eastern), attended a special breakfast meeting on Monday, March
15, 2004, in honor of His All Holiness Bartholomew, Archbishop of
Constantinople, New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch of the Orthodox Church.
The meeting, at the Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan headquarters in New York
City, brought together about 50 Oriental and Eastern Orthodox church

The Patriarch, in New York for a week of meetings and visits, spoke to the
group about the importance of the ecumenical movement. “The goal is to
reestablish the unity of the Christian church,” he said.

The Patriarch praised the work of the Standing Conference of Oriental
Orthodox Churches, chaired by Archbishop Barsamian, and the Standing
Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas, chaired by Bishop
Dimitrios of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. In the past few
years, the two groups have been building stronger relations between the two
branches of orthodoxy. Recently, the group’s work has brought about a
yearly prayer service for orthodox members of the United Nations community.

“People see us working between Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox on a higher
level, nationally or internationally,” said the Primate. “And locally, this
work shows people that they can communicate with others as Christians who
are very close in faith. The things that unite us are tremendous. The
things that separate us are very minor. We’re working to resolve many of
those things so we can establish communion.”

During the breakfast reception, the Primate relayed to Patriarch Bartholomew
the warm wishes of His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians.
The Patriarch, who is based in Istanbul, conveyed greetings from His
Beatitude Archbishop Mesrob II Mutafyan, the Armenian Patriarchate of

The Primate will meet with the Patriarch again on Wednesday, during an event
hosted by the Appeal of Conscience Foundation, an interfaith coalition of
business and religious leaders working around the globe to promote peace,
tolerance, and resolution of ethnic conflicts. The Primate serves as a vice
president on the board of that foundation.

— 3/15/04

E-mail photos available on request. Photos also viewable on the Eastern
Diocese’s website,

PHOTO CAPTION (1): His All Holiness Bartholomew, Ecumenical Patriarch of
the Orthodox cCurch, speaks about ecumenism to a group of about 50 Oriental
Orthodox and Eastern Orthodox church leaders, including Archbishop Khajag
Barsamian, Primate of the Eastern Diocese, during a breakfast meeting at the
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese in New York City on Monday, March 15, 2004.

PHOTO CAPTION (2): Archbishop Barsamian listens as Ecumenical Patriarch
Bartholomew praises the joint efforts of the Standing Conference of
Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas and the Standing Conference of
Oriental Orthodox Churches.

PHOTO CAPTION (3): Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of
the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), and His All Holiness Bartholomew,
at the Greek Archdiocese in New York City on Monday, March 15, 2004.

# # #

CENN Daily Digest – 03/15/2004

Table of Contents:
1. `Georgian Bank’ and BTC Reach Coop Agreement
2. Azerbaijan-Kazakhstan Talks on Oil for Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline
in ‘Final Stage’
3. Armenian Government Steps in to Eliminate Disaster Aftermath
4. Armenian Minister, Iranian Governor Discuss Agricultural Development
5. Misery is Environment’s Bitter Enemy
6. Workshop Announcement – International Water Demand Management


The Georgian Bank and Company BTC signed an agreement on financial
servicing of the funds assigned by the International Monetary Fund,
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in Tbilisi on March 12.

Under the conditions, the Georgian Bank will provide banking services of
all expenditures for the construction of Georgian section of the
pipeline. Therefore, the Bank has become a member of the financial
association, which affiliates 78 companies.
AzerTag, March 13, 2004


Negotiations on an agreement between Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan on
Kazakhstan oil moving through the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline are
in the final stage, according to Natik Aliyev, president of the State
Oil Company of Azerbaijan, a Rosbalt correspondent reported. Aliyev said
the agreement would be signed sometime this year but would not be more
specific. He said the date would depend on the intensity of the talks.

Aliyev said the agreement would constitute the legal basis needed by
investors. It will set out the details of tax, customs and trade
arrangements connected to the movement of oil as well as specify the
manner of resolving ecological problems. He said the agreement would be
in line with existing treaties between Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey.
Rosbalt, March 13, 2004


The Armenian government adopted The public awareness campaign for the
nomadic population relied purely on rural radio stations and the role of
local authorities, notables and elected officials. decision to allocate
510m drams [950,000 dollars] from its reserve fund to eliminate the
consequences of spring floods and strong winds.

Armenian Minister for Coordinating Territorial Administration and
Production Infrastructures Ovik Abramyan told journalists that the funds
would be allocated for the reconstruction of roads, bridges, schools and
hospitals and for accommodating people left homeless as a result of the
disaster. He noted that the final damage will be calculated in 10 days
and that aid is being allocated to carry out urgent reconstruction work.

A major part of the funds – 71m drams [116,000 dollars] – will be
allocated to Tavush and 58m drams [106,000 dollars] to Aragatsotn
regions, which have been badly damaged. Additional 200m drams [355,000
dollars] will be allocated to the Armenian Agriculture Ministry for
purchasing seeds and fertilizers for the ravaged regions.
Arminfo, March 11, 2004


The deputy governor of Iran’s Ardabil Province, Hajaf-Azari, and
Armenian Minister for Coordinating Territorial Administration and
Production Infrastructures Ovik Abramyan, discussed prospects for
agricultural cooperation between Iran and Armenia.

The government’s press service told Arminfo news agency that the sides
debated the possibility of supplying Armenia with fertilizers,
seedlings, seeds, including the future of cooperation in stockbreeding
and exchanging scientific achievements.
Arminfo, March 11, 2004


Vardan Aivazyan, The Minister of Environment of Armenian is convinced
that the main cause of many environmental problems is poverty in which
that the population of the republic lives in.

The other day, walking along the park he found almost all trees cut
there. As it became clear later, the trees were cut by nearby houses
tenants for heating their homes, the minister said.
, March 13, 2004

May 30-June 3, 2004

On behalf of the Ministry of Water and Irrigation in Jordan, we would
like to announce the Professional Development Workshops delivered during
the International Water Demand Management Conference May 30th-June 3rd,
2004. The workshops will provide participants with an in-depth training
in selected water demand management topics. In addition, the workshops
provide a short, practical hands-on skills training related to water
demand management. Participants can use the information, techniques
and/or software in their day-to-day operations. Each workshop is
conducted by industry leaders in the field. To learn more about the
workshops please visit the conference website at

Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN)

Tel: ++995 32 92 39 46
Fax: ++995 32 92 39 47
E-mail: [email protected]