Number of Female Offenders Reduced in Karabakh


Azat Artsakh – Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR)

According to the annual report of the head public prosecutor of the
republic Mavrik Ghukassian presented to the National Assembly of
Nagorni Karabakh, in 2003 the number of women offenders reduced,
totaling 29 against the 44 in 2002. Of the total number of offenders
(467) 144 were jobless. According to the conclusion of the
corresponding parliamentary committee, despite the reduction of the
crime rate in the republic in the last 2 years, as a ratio to the
number of population in Karabakh the crime rate remains high in
comparison to Armenia and other CIS countries. Moreover, if in Armenia
0.4 percent of the state budget is spent on the needs of the public
prosecution, in Karabakh it is 1 percent.


Unemployment Reduced


Azat Artsakh – Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR)

According to the data of the NKR National Statistics Service, the
average number of workers on the play-roll employed in the branches of
the NKR economy was 32 686 in 2003 which increased by 1881 or 6.1
percent. The number of people employed in the sphere of industry grew
by 1420 or 11.8 percent. By January1, 2004 4272 people have been
registered at the department of work and employment of the NKR
Ministry of Social Security of which 3314 or 77.6 percent have the
status of unemployed. The number of citizens looking for jobs in
Stepanakert is 2364 of which 2361 or 99.9 percent are unemployed. The
number of people looking for jobs dropped by 9 percent, and the
unemployment rate dropped by2.6 percent from January 1, 2003. The
level of unemployment as the correlation of the unemployed registered
in the employment agencies and the economically active population
(employed and unemployed) totaled 5.7 percent in 2003 against the 5.9
percent of 2002.


Lithuania planning to establish embassy in Georgia

Baltic News Service
March 15, 2004



Lithuania’s parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee approved during
its sitting on Monday of the proposal to establish Lithuania’s
embassy in Georgia.

Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Gediminas Kirkilas told BNS it was
scheduled to establish embassy in Tbilisi in the end of May, and it
would represent Lithuania not only in Georgia but also in Armenia and

Lithuania is currently represented in Georgia by an ambassador
residing in Ukraine, ambassador to Russia represents the country in
Armenia and envoy residing in Turkey represents it in Azerbaijan.

Meantime, the Georgian Embassy in Vilnius was opened in September
last year. Before that, Georgian Consulate General operated in
Vilnius since 1996.

In Kirkilas’ words, decision on the candidacy of Lithuania’s
ambassador to Tbilisi should be made in the nearest months.

Abashidze Called on Russia to Stop Rose Revolution in Adjaria

Economic News
March 15, 2004 Monday

Aslan Abashidze Called on Russia to Stop Rose Revolution in Adjaria

Moscow. Aslan Abashidze claims that the Georgian authorities are
preparing military invasion of the republic. Mr. Abashidze considers
that they are trying to repeat the so-called Rose Revolution in
Adjaria, – according to NTV.

The Georgian authorities are gathering 100 thousand people, men and
women, from all the regions of the country. People with military
training and those who participated in similar actions will be among
them. All of them will come to the border of the autonomous republic
and women will be ahead them, Adjaria head claimed.

Mr. Abashidze also called on the world community to stop Tbiisi
authorities attempts to exert pressure on Adjaria. I want to tell our
opinion to influential world organizations and to our neighbors
Russia, Turkey, Azerbaijan and Armenia in order to stop the force
that will bring lamentable consequences, Aslan Abashidze claimed in
the course of press-conference in Moscow.

Cash Incomes Increased


Azat Artsakh – Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR)

According to the NKR National Statistics Service, the cash incomes of
the population of the republic in 2003 totaled 34408.7 million AM
drams and increased by 17.1 percent against 2002. The incomes in all
the spheres of activities have increased against 2002;
entrepreneurship by 55.0 percent, realization of agricultural
production by 32.8 percent, salary by 24.5 percent, social and other
transfers by 6.6 percent, other incomes by 6.9 percent. The average
nominal monthly salary of one worker employed in the economy totaled
33 661 AM drams in 2003 and increased by 13.4 percent from 2002. In
comparison to 2002 the average nominal monthly salary increased
notably in building by 49.7 percent, information computing services by
31.8 percent, communication by 27.7 percent, industry by 26.7 percent,
finance and loaning by 23.5 percent, material and technical supply by
20.3 percent. The average nominal monthly salary in comparison to the
average republic salary was notably low in the spheres of material and
technical supply, forestry, trade, health, communal services.


L’UE presse Erevan de fermer sa centrale nucléaire

15 Mars 2004

L’UE presse Erevan de fermer sa centrale nucléaire

EREVAN – L’UE a pressé l’Arménie de fermer la centrale nucléaire de
Metzamor, à 30 km d’Erevan. Bruxelles lui a promis en échange
l’octroi d’une aide de 156,5 millions de francs. Construite en 1977,
cette centrale produit 40 % de l’énergie arménienne.

«La sécurité est très importante pour nous. L’UE octroiera à
l’Arménie 100 millions d’euros pour créer des productions d’énergie
alternatives quand l’Arménie fixera la date de la fermeture de la
centrale», a déclaré le directeur de la mission de la Commission
européenne en Arménie Torben Holtze.

Selon le ministre arménien des finances, l’Arménie a besoin de 1,3
milliard de francs pour compenser les pertes en cas de fermeture de
la centrale.

La fermeture de Metzamor est «une question très douloureuse pour
nous. Nous n’allons pas fermer la centrale tant qu’il n’y aura pas de
sources alternatives» d’énergie, a-t-il souligné. La construction
d’un gazoduc entre l’Arménie et l’Iran, qui doit être lancée cette
année, devrait accélérer ce processus, selon lui.

NATO-sponsored training program begins in Azerbaijan

Associated Press Worldstream
March 15, 2004 Monday 5:42 AM Eastern Time

NATO-sponsored training program begins in Azerbaijan

BAKU, Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan’s land forces began a four-day NATO-sponsored training
exercise Monday on border control, defense officials said.

Turkey is leading the exercise as part of NATO’s Partnership for
Peace program, aimed at boosting ties between the military alliance
and states of the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.

Mammad Beydullayev of Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry said the program
would familiarize Azerbaijani military commanders with methods to
prevent border incursions, steps for fighting the trafficking of
drugs, illegal immigrants and weapons and ways to control the flow of
refugees and ensure security.

The Turkish Embassy in Azerbaijan said it was organizing the program
to help this ex-Soviet republic bring its military up to NATO

A similar training program was carried out last week in Georgia, and
plans are underway to bring the program to other nations.

Azerbaijan shares borders with Russia, Georgia, Armenia and Iran.

Lebanese Soccer: Nejmeh defeats Homenmen in a tight game

Daily Star, Lebanon
March 12 2004

Nejmeh defeats Homenmen in a tight game

Nejmeh soccer team player, Moussa Hjeij, lead his team to victory
over Homenmen after scoring 3 goals out of 4 in the semi-final game
held at Jounieh Municipal Stadium on Tuesday.

Nejmeh soccer team player, Moussa Hjeij, lead his team to victory
over Homenmen after scoring 3 goals out of 4 in the semi-final game
held at Jounieh Municipal Stadium on Tuesday.
Despite the early goal scored by Geafar in the 8th minute of first
half, Nejmeh managed to work its way to Homenmen goals, leveling the
score by Moussa Hjeij through a penalty kick, 35 minutes into the

Nejmeh third goal followed two minutes later by Salah Haddad and was
objected by Homenmen technical team who said that Haddad was

The second half witnessed Nejmeh taking advantage of their experience
and raised the score to four goals by Hjeij through a pass from
Mcpherline in the 68th and 71st minutes before they suffer a setback
in their performance due to the changes implemented by Zizo when he
replaced Hussein Salim by Attawi who failed to push forward the game.

There Are No Special Favourites in The Tournament


Azat Artsakh – Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR)

Yanik Palatier has arrived from far Switzerland to take part in the
international chess tournament devoted to the 75th anniversary of
Tigran Petrossian. Before coming to Karabakh he knew nothing of this
small country besides that there had been war here. The Swiss
chess-player told about his decision to read corresponding books to
get acquainted with the events that took place in Karabakh. He did not
speak about his impressions as he has not managed to see the town
yet. Only once he had the opportunity to walk in the central street of
Stepanakert. He said it still can be felt that there was war here. He
mentioned that the first impression was good, the tournament is
organized on a high level, the hotel conditions are good, and he
pointed out the warm and friendly atmosphere. The Swiss young man has
been to Yerevan for several times and has many friends
there. According to him, the Armenians are very warm, proud and
hospitable. In reference to the chess tournament held in Stepanakert
for the first time, he appreciated the level of organization. He
mentioned that there areno special favourites, and according to him
the competition will be hard. He mentioned that he was not acquainted
with all the participants of the tournament. He did not know Tigran
Petrossian and Arman Pashikian but following their games he mentioned
that the games of the both were very interesting. The young
chess-player representing Switzerland has 0.5 point after two rounds.


New Director of ICRC Office


Azat Artsakh – Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR)

On March 11 NKR president Arkady Ghukassian met with the director of
the office of the Red Cross in Stepanakert Charlotte Hardford whose
term of duties in Nagorni Karabakh has completed. Ms. Hardford
introduced to the president the new director of the ICRC office in
Stepanakert Mireille Benard. She thankedthe government of the republic
for assistance to the humanitarian activities of the ICRC in
NKR. Speaking about the main directions of activity of the Karabakh
office of ICRC in 2003 Ms. Hardford told that the office will pursue
implementation of humanitarian programs in Nagorni Karabakh. In the
future they will deal with the problem of the missing soldiers, will
visit prisoners, find out their state of health, the conditions they
are kept in. Touching upon programs in the sphere of health care the
ICRC representative mentioned that the mission assists to the
reconstruction of 68 surgeries in different regions of Nagorni
Karabakh and helps to provide them with necessary equipment. According
to her, the ICRC mission also deals with providing them with
medication. In his turn, Arkady Ghukassian highly appreciated the
importance of the activitiesof the ICRC in Nagorni Karabakh, which was
the first among the international organizations to aid NKR. At the
same time the president emphasized the importance of further
activities of the ICRC mission in Nagorni Karabakh.
